Our Customers

Businesses of across industries are using ReactiveSearch.io to deliver relevant search experiences for their users

Build flexible SaaS search experiences for businesses of any scale

Business Intelligence

When thousands of records are being updated daily, businesses need a reliable search to keep the data synced and deliver relevant search results. That is why companies like Ontopical use ReactiveSearch.io. Ontopical is focused on extracting business intelligence and insights from public government content which is typically unstructured, published in the form of meeting agendas, minutes, and videos.

Ontopical uses full-text search from ReactiveSearch.io and helps businesses cruise public government content.


Search Relevancy Control Panel

Actionable Analytics

ReactiveSearch UI components

Access Control

"Analytics has been a huge win for us. ReactiveSearch.io easily ties into our current tech stack with ReactiveSearch components and it has been fantastic. This really helped us get off the ground fast."

David Fawcett
VP of Product Development, Ontopical


Finding the right match for your company takes up a lot of time and resources. That is where companies like HireCloud are making their mark by streamlining this process using ReactiveSearch.io even with millions of potential candidates on their platform. HireCloud wanted a highly-available tech-stack that to store the millions profiles critical to their recruiter and Human Resource clients. The vision was for their clients to input broad search parameters and then, place ideal results on their results list with one-click.

Hirecloud relies on ReactiveSearch.io to power lightning fast search speeds.


ReactiveSearch UI components

Search Relevancy Control Panel

Access Control

"The result of this joint effort is an extraordinarily fast, responsive multifaceted search tools that delivers results in milliseconds. In our partnership with ReactiveSearch.io, we have little doubt the future looks extremely bright."

Robert Keenan
CEO, Hirecloud.io

Drive conversions with a seamless E-Commerce search


A big challenge for aggregators is representing data in a format that makes it easy for their users to make informed decisions. That is why wine aggregator Somm uses ReactiveSearch.io to power search on their platform. Somm has the world’s biggest database of wines at restaurants that people can choose from. They give users information about wines, vintages, and average prices at their local restaurants.

Somm delivers full-text search powered by ReactiveSearch.io to help people pick the right wine.


ReactiveSearch UI components

Search Relevancy Control Panel

Dedicated Support

"ReactiveSearch.io was the only platform that could have allowed us to get a great product out to restaurants in a matter of just 48 hours. The ReactiveSearch.io team has provided extraordinary support throughout the process."

David Kong
Founder, Somm.ai


E-commerce stores need to present an easy-to-use interface to all their stakeholders, shoppers as well as partners. This challenge was compounded for Kwiat as jewelery needs a visual medium. Kwiat was looking for a way to create a visual search for their internal ERP and make searching for inventory easier for their partners. They were looking for a solution with great out-of-the-box components that anyone could use.

Kwiat uses appbase.io to power their ERP search


ReactiveSearch UI components

Access Control

Centralize all project information

ABC CLI for importing data

"ReactiveSearch.io seemed like the perfect Elasticsearch as a service that we are looking for Kwait. It checked a lot of the technological requirements that one would experience with Elasticsearch and took them out of the equation."

Cory Kwiat
Chief Digital Officer, Kwiat

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